When the Danish corona lockdown was announced 11 March 2020 everyday life suddenly changed for many Danes, including the taken-for-granted temporalities of daily life. The everyday micro-practices that normally sequence and materialize the multiple, competing, and entangled temporalities of the everyday came to a standstill. The lockdown in Denmark as a state of exception gave rise to new kinds of rituals, and ambivalent moods, and unlocked ideas about pasts and futures to reshaping. Based on ethnographic material the article investigates how well-known and new temporalities were practiced, materialized, and affectively experienced during the Spring 2020 lockdown, especially among university students in the Copenhagen area. It explores how the multiple temporalities of contemporary Denmark - time for work and leisure, family time, me-time, public ritual time, biographic time, hopes and fears for the future etc. - were attempted attuned to a new pandemic time of crisis. As a state of exception, the lockdown made the otherwise taken-for-granted everyday micro-practices of multiple temporalities visible and open to investigation.

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Opphavsrett 2021 Tine Damsholt