"Kanske den bästa tiden i mitt liv"

Emneord (Nøkkelord)

post-war memories

Hvordan referere

Marander-Eklund, L. (2009). "Kanske den bästa tiden i mitt liv". Tidsskrift for Kulturforskning, 8(4). Hentet fra https://ojs.novus.no/index.php/TFK/article/view/449


This article deals with post-war memories written as answers to a questionnaire about life during the 50s in Finland. The aim is to present a methodology to analyze emotions in archival material to gain a more profound understanding of the memories during the period of time. The texts are analyzed through figures of speech such as emotional words, metaphors and words with emotive character. This includes the emotions evoked in my confrontation with the text. Answers that recollect post-war memories and the rebuilding of the society are studied through figures of speech. The analysis gives a perception of a time where the atmosphere in this case, consists of,  the following: fear in connection with the memory of war, sorrow in connection with relatives fallen in battle, happiness about obtained welfare, bitterness about post-war sacrifices, eagerness about rebuilding the society and hope for future. At the same time, the writers of the questionnaires put forward that the 1950s was the best time ever. They look upon it with a large amount of nostalgia.
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